Vancouver Disability

BC Disability was started to address an issue I noted in BC's disability community: the fact that information, resources, and discussions are segmented and siloed based on type of disability and age.
The website serves as a place to find a consolidated list of resources for persons with disabilities and their allies, and covers disability news from BC and nationwide, including features on disability organizations and advocates.
How do I apply for provincial disability assistance?
You must show that you are eligible to receive assistance, which includes ​providing a statement from a medical professional about how your condition impacts your ability to work. You must also financially qualify, which means showing that your income and assets don't exceed the amount you're allowed to have on assistance.
You can learn more about the process here
Where can I get help applying for assistance or with a related question?​
Disability Alliance BC provides advocacy services, which help guide people through the process of applying or reapplying for federal and provincial benefits
You can also contact the Disability Planning Helpline for support, by phoning 1-844-311-7526 or emailing
How much will I get on provincial disability assistance? ​
It depends on your living arrangement. It can range from $983.50 to $1728.50 monthly. See where you fall.
Can I work while on disability assistance? ​
Yes. If you are a single person, you can earn up to $15,000 annually before your income starts to be clawed back from your assistance. For a family of two where one person is on assistance, the earning limit is $18,000, and for family with both adults on assistance the limit is $30,000.
Can I receive provincial disability assistance if I have a spouse? ​
Your spouse's income will be counted as your own and count towards the earning limit you have. So you can still receive assistance if your spouse has a very low income, but many people with working spouses are ineligible
Can I be on employment insurance and disability assistance at the same time?​
Yes, but employment insurance is clawed back dollar for dollar from PWD assistance
Can I live outside BC and still receive my provincial assistance?​
You cannot spend more than 30 consecutive days outside the province