Vancouver Kids & Family
A place where Aboriginal mothers facing homelessness or dealing with their children in care of the Ministry can stay
Adoptive Families Association of BC
Supports the adoption community through services, education, events, scholarships, advocacy, and more​
Autism Society of BC and Yukon
Provides information and support to individuals and families affected by autism
BC Centre for Ability Association
Enhances the quality of life for children, youth and adults with disabilities and their families in ways that facilitate and build competencies and foster inclusion in all aspects of life
BC Kids and Youth: Search Tool
A search tool for classes and programs available to children and youth​
Inspires children and youth who are blind or partially sighted, providing diverse programs, experiences, counselling and peer support, and opportunities for them to create fulfilling lives
Canadian Association of Occupational Therapy Directory
Find an occupational therapist in your area
Recreational, employment, and skills training for autistic children and youth
Find childcare nearby
Child protection services in BC are intended to safeguard children from harm. Find an office location nearby.
Children’s Hearing & Speech Centre of BC
Teaches children who are deaf or hard of hearing to listen and talk, giving them the skills and confidence they need to achieve their fullest potential
City of Vancouver Youth Recreation Programs
Programs for Vancouver youth. Young persons age 8-18 can also receive support from youth workers who provide additional support and resources.
Information and resources about childcare in Vancouver
Provides programs and services that offer expertise and guidance as families with deaf and hard of hearing children ages 0-5 navigate through opportunities for speech, language, education, and communication
Down Syndrome Resource Foundation
Empowers individuals with Down syndrome to reach their full potential through language, life skills, recreation, and family support
Fairness For Children Raised By Relatives
Advocates for children who would otherwise be in the BC provincial foster care system if they had not been taken into the care of their grandparent(s) or another kinship relative
Guides to help parents and children deal with separation and divorce
Family Services of Greater Vancouver
Helps strengthen families through counselling, employment and family services, education, and advocacy. Call their family support line at 1-800-441-5403.
Supports families through workshops, training, and advocacy
Find nannies, pet sitters, tutors, house cleaners, and more
Use the following resources to find childcare, check to see if your provider participates in the fee reduction initiative, access additional early years supports, or to search licensed providers in your community
Provides coverage
Helpline for Children
If you are a child or youth and would like to talk to someone call the Helpline for Children at 310-1234.
You do not need an area code. You can call at any time of the day or night and you do not have to give your name.
Helps with family and civil law issues such as separation or divorce, income security, employment, housing, or debt
Safe out of school spaces for kids facing adversity
Kids Brain works to understand the causes of conditions including autism, fetal alcohol spectrum disorder and cerebral palsy
The Kinship Care Help Line provides support, advocacy and resource information to grandparents and other relatives raising a family member’s child as well as to service providers and allies. Call 604-558-4740 or email
Various free or low-cost programs and activities to people of all ages
Lower Mainland Down Syndrome Society
Helping individuals with Down syndrome develop their potential through educational workshops and therapy, community support, and resources
Ministry of Children and Family Development
Provides a range of children, youth, and family services
Connects moms and children living in poverty with the community, resources, and support they need to thrive. Groceries, funding, personal support, and more.
Equips mothers facing multiple barriers to become engaged citizens, confident parents, and prepare their children for success in school
Neighbourhood houses offer a range of programs, including for children and youth. Find a neighbourhood house near you.
PAFM provides support at locations throughout BC for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder and their families across the province
Helps parents with child protection issues
Emotional, educational, legal, and care support for parents and kids​
Red Fox Healthy Living Society
Free recreational activities, employment programs, and mentorship for children and youth, with a focus on Indigenous cultural education ​
Registering for Public School in Vancouver
Information on how to register your child for public school in Vancouver
An evidence-based text messaging program developed by maternal and child health experts that sends you information timed to your baby’s age to help support you
Find a nearby speech, hearing, and language professional
A free program emphasizing learning through play, language, and positive social interactions, with the goal of preparing children 0-5 for kindergarten
Provides a range of early intervention and treatment services to young children and their families, where there may be ongoing concerns about the child’s emotional well-being
Vancouver Aboriginal Child and Family Services
Provides restorative, holistic and culturally-grounded family services
Vancouver Public Library: Programs for Kids
Fun and educational programs for children
Shelter and housing for homeless families. Services include help finding permanent housing, 24-hour on-site staff, meals, referrals, and access to internet, phone and fax.
Westcoast Child Resource Centre
WCCRC provides parents and guardians with tools and resources to help find quality child care in Vancouver
A welcoming meeting place for parents, caregivers, and children in Kitsilano
Everything from outdoor adventure to employment
Frequently Asked Questions
What funding is there to help support my family?
See the funding page for more info
Some funding opportunities are the Canada Child Benefit, Rental Assistance Program, Affordable Childcare Benefit, Adult Upgrading Grant, BC Training and Education Saving Grant, and Young Parent Program
Where can I get help with a family-related legal matter?
Family legal services are provided by justice access centres, parents legal centres, and RISE Women's Legal Centre​
How do I find childcare?​
Plan ahead and apply as soon as you can and place your child's name on waitlists if no spots are free. Look into funding options for childcare. Apply widely, but don't sacrifice quality.
Here are 10 things to look for when choosing a childcare provider