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Vancouver Housing Resources




A multi-issue, membership-based community union of low- and moderate-income people, with a focus on housing


Atira Women's Society

Offers housing for women and children affected by violence


BC Housing

BC Housing develops, manages, and administers a wide range of subsidized housing options across the province.


They offer programs and funding to help persons with low-income and those at risk of homelessness find housing, including the Rental Assistance Program, Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters, and Homeless Prevention Program.


BC Rebate for Accessible Housing 

Provides rebates to eligible low-income households to complete home adaptations for independent living


Carnegie Centre

The Homeless Services Outreach Team assists citizens at the storefront office Monday to Friday, as well as street outreach, with additional late evening shifts between 4:30pm to 11pm, 4 to 5 days a week


Co-operative Housing Search

Housing co‑ops provide at-cost housing for their members. They are controlled by members who have a vote in decisions. There is no outside landlord.


Covenant House

Programs and housing for youth and young adults facing homelessness 


Directions Youth Services

Offers low-barrier programs and services to support youth under the age of 25 who are in crisis or experiencing homelessness


Gathering Place

Emergency shelter, property storage, internet, meals, and more​


Helping Spirit Lodge Transition House

Provides housing and services to women and children fleeing violence


Home Renovation Tax Credit for Seniors and Persons with Disabilities

A refundable personal in-come tax credit to assist with the cost of permanent home modifications that improve accessibility or help a senior be more functional or mobile at home


Imouto Housing for Young Women

Long-term transitional housing for young women


Indigenous Housing Providers

Off-reserve Indigenous housing is available to households and individuals with Indigenous ancestry, including status and non-status Indians, Métis and Inuit


Lu'ma Native Housing Society

Offers housing, a medical centre, youth services, and more


Market Housing Search Tool

Housing and apartment listings compiled from online sources


MPA Society

Supporting recovery for people with mental illness by establishing and operating social, vocational, recreation, advocacy and housing programs that support people in their own communities


McLaren Housing

Works with low-income individuals and families living with HIV/AIDS and are homeless or inadequately housed


Metro Vancouver Housing

Provides rental housing across Metro Vancouver


Off-Registry Housing

Subsidized housing which is not listed on the BC Housing registry. You must directly apply with the housing provider.


RainCity Housing

Provides a range of housing and support programs


Renting It Right

Free online courses to help you learn your rights as a renter and how to find a place


Residential Tenancy Branch

Provides info to renters and landlords, and arbitrates tenancy disputes


Salvation Army Kate Booth House 

Kate Booth House is a safe and confidential shelter providing a supportive environment for women and children escaping violence


Seniors Housing Directory of BC

The Seniors Housing Directory of BC can help with your housing search by generating a list of seniors housing buildings based on two criteria that you select: area and type of housing


Seniors Service Society BC

Provides adults 60+ with information and guidance on housing and support program options to enhance their lives and help them live comfortably and safely in their homes


Shelter and Street Help Line

Provides information on a variety of programs and services, as well as a regularly updated shelter list with available shelter beds and mats. Call or text 2-1-1.


Tenant Resource & Advisory Centre

Free legal education and advocacy for BC tenants


The Door Is Open

Drop-in food, clothing, counselling, and shelter services 


The Kettle Society 

Provides housing services to people facing mental illness and substance use challenges. This includes Peggy's Place, Taylor Manor, Kettle on Burrard, and much more.


The Right Fit Project

Addresses the crisis in wheelchair accessible housing by matching affordable, accessible homes, and independent living support


Vancouver Native Housing Society

Provides safe, secure, and affordable housing, focused on the housing needs of the urban Indigenous community


Vancouver Tenants Union

Support for renters in Vancouver


Vi Fineday Family Shelter

Shelter and housing for homeless families. Services include help finding permanent housing, 24-hour on-site staff, meals, referrals, and access to internet, phone and fax.


YWCA Housing 

Provides safe and affordable homes for single women and their dependent children. Residents have access to other YWCA programs and services

Housing Resorces

Frequently Asked Questions


I’ve been given notice of eviction but have nowhere to stay – what do I do?


  • You should complete a BC Housing application and the supplemental application to get on the waitlist for subsidized housing.


  • Contact your MLA's office about your situation. They often have contacts within BC Housing and might be able to advocate for you in this situation.


  • If you are Indigenous, leaving the foster care system, a woman fleeing or at risk of domestic violence, or leaving the correctional or hospital system, you may also be eligible for funding from the homeless prevention program.


How do I speed up my BC Housing application?


  • Have the optional supplemental application form completed. BC Housing will give priority to applicants whose situation is urgent due to a health condition, domestic violence, or homelessness, and the supplemental form is where this information can be provided. You must have a third-party to verify your living situation.


  • Apply for every building you’re willing and eligible to live in, but don’t apply to placements you know you won’t accept if offered: you can only turn down two offers before you’re moved back to the bottom of the list.


  • Consider applying to the Section #2 or off-registry buildings. These are buildings where applicants must apply to the housing providers directly because they do not use the Housing Registry database.


How do I contest an eviction notice or another issue with my landlord?



  • The Residential Tenancy Branch offers tenant-landlord dispute resolution. Ideally after receiving guidance on your situation, you can request that an RTB arbitrator looks at your case and makes a legally binding decision.



I have a place but am struggling with rent – what help is there?


  • If you have a dependent you may qualify for the Rental Assistance Program, which provides help with paying rent in the private market



  • The Homeless Prevention Program provides portable rent supplements and support services to individuals in identified at-risk groups facing homelessness.


  • If you’re living in a rental unit and having difficulty paying rent, a rent bank may be able to help you with a one-time, interest-free loan


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